The real reason nice guys finish last is women are attracted
to men. There is a chemical response
within women that connect to masculinity.
Women have always and will always respond to masculinity. So why is this so important? Even though women often say they want
a nicer guy, women do not consider nice
guys very masculine.

The traits associated with nice guys are far more
feminine. Sweet, nice, patient,
forgiving, accommodating are all traits we would describe women as more than
men. The association is often what creates the attraction. Money, cars, power, are associated with
desire and thus create more desire.
Weakness and feelings are not associated with masculine tendencies. Also, people
want their expectations to be filled even if their expectations are bad or
inaccurate. When a woman believes all
men are liars, unfaithful, and bad, then they will reject men who don’t fit
their standards of what makes a man. The
nice guy is never seen a man to her.
The expectations of men have become so low and anti-women that
men who choose to be nice are no longer seen as attractive. So if you are a woman, teach yourself what it
really means to be a man and you will find yourself more attracted to the nice
guy. After all, it is much easier to
bring out the bad boy in a nice guy than the nice guy out of the bad boy.
I think that drama junkies are the ones that are primarily attracted to 'bad boys'. Music, television and our culture at large promote drama in relationships and a secure relationship seems "boring". Not when you think it through and consider what you want in the long term, though. Just my two cents.
That is a great point, your two cents are worth at least a quarter. Many people are drawn to excitement from unhealthy relationships as opposed to finding excitement in something healthier.
If I have to be a jerk and "bad boy" to get the girl, Id rather be single. I will always be myself, the "better man", the person my father raised, the "nice guy that that enjoys finishing last".
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