You crave what you cannot handle and desire what you don’t believe in. You are taught that you deserve unconditional love even though that can only be given as a gift. Independence is to be achieved; dependence avoided, and yet interdependent is where you will be fulfilled. You are taught not to need a man, yet at the same time often defined by the one you have. Getting married is highly valued, yet being in an average marriage is shunned. Strength to persevere through emotionally hard times has been exchanged for the strength to leave. Motherhood is the top honor and kids come first, and then you wonder why the marital relationship did not survive.
You are told you should all be treated as beautiful, yet the qualifications for being beautiful are always seem to be whatever you are not. Being the best isn’t enough and great is settling. You are told to seek a man who can lead, even but you don’t ever follow. You have raised a generation of princesses without raising any princes or kings to serve them. You were told you are always right, but yet you don’t always have to have the answer.
You were told more opportunities outside the home would lead to more happiness, yet all you have experienced is more work and responsibility. You were told you could do anything while being handed the expectation of doing everything. That your strength is in your feelings and emotions, but you can’t use them at work. And at the end of the day, one of your greatest desires is to be loved for who you are... but you are taught to not trust in a man or his love.
No wonder women are experiencing the highest rate of depression, dissatisfaction, and general unhappiness than ever before.